Veterinary AI Assistant

Listens to exams and client callbacks.
Dictate, command, or chat.
Instantly output every medical record.
That’s HappyDoc.

Remember why you became a vet? It wasn't for the paperwork.
Reclaim your passion with HappyDoc.

How It Works

Speak Naturally
Whether it’s consultations, discussions, or dictation, talk as you always do. HappyDoc is designed to understand veterinary terms, casual chats, and more.
Find Relevant Info
As you speak, our AI technology recognizes the information needed for your medical records, ensuring nothing important is left out and no chit-chat is left in.
Generate Every Record
HappyDoc seamlessly generates any document like SOAP notes, surgery summaries, or discharge forms. Efficient, accurate, and tailored to your templates and style.

Why choose HappyDoc?

Focus on what
truly matters

The heart of your practice is the bond between vets, pets, and their owners. With HappyDoc managing documentation, engage clients eye-to-eye, not eye-to-keyboard. Experience genuine moments, fostering stronger relationships, and solidifying trust.

Work smarter, not harder

In the hustle of a modern veterinary clinic, staying on top of records can be a relentless task. Imagine having a dedicated assistant, that doesn’t require breaks, doesn’t need training, and seamlessly fits into your workflow. HappyDoc is that assistant, in software form.

“HappyDoc helped each of our vets save 2 hours/day ”
Robert Mayar  -  Leading Vet Practitioner

Stay compliant with better records

A medical record is more than just data; it's a testament to your clinic's standards and an essential communication tool for clients. With HappyDoc, ensure your records reflect precision, uniformity, and the highest standards, making them a testament to your commitment to unparalleled care.

See more patients without having to stay late
Don't worry about remembering every single appointment
Talk to HappyDoc as if its a human scribe taking notes for you, and we'll handle the rest

Features that get you results

Transform the way your veterinary practice operates. Streamline administrative tasks, and improve patient care.

Custom Templates
Live Transcription
Fast Integrations
Responsive Design
Custom AI

Hear what veterinarians around the world saying about HappyDoc.

I want my team to spend time thinking about high level UX problems, rather than mindlessly repeating busy work. Collab helps them do that.
Robert Mayar  -  Founder of Airbnb
I want my team to spend time thinking about high level UX problems, rather than mindlessly repeating busy work. Collab helps them do that.
Robert Mayar  -  Founder of Airbnb
I want my team to spend time thinking about high level UX problems, rather than mindlessly repeating busy work. Collab helps them do that.
Robert Mayar  -  Founder of Airbnb

HappyDoc integrates with all your favorite tools.

Driven by Paws and Purrs: Building for Better Care.

See HappyDoc in action!